
Thursday, February 12, 2015

Shell Bank Bayou Cypress at Least 450 Years Old

N 30 09.910  W 090 27.033

           Here is the data on the landmarked cypress featured in the December BLOG entry.

Diameter 49 inches
Radius 24.5 inch
Bore obtained: 3.25 inches
Rings counted:  Approx. 90

Projected age Calculation:
                   3.25/24.5  (core sample/ radius)= 90 (rings counted)/x
X = 676 years

Based on a projected ring count of 676, a conservative estimate of the tree's age is 450 years. This estimate takes into account the likely faster growth at the tree's earliest phase of growth, which would show up in more widely spaced annual rings were a full radius boring (24.5 inches) obtained. As with many cypress trees this age, the hollow trunk precludes obtaining  a longer length boring; therefore a conservative age estimate is appropriate

Circumference: 12'10''

Vertical lines in section of 3.25 inch core (enlarged) show variation in spacing of annual growth rings. Closely spaced rings indicate slow yearly growth
Location of landmarked cypress-- upper center on map


Additional  old growth in small lakes south of Shell Bank Bayou (N 30 09.494 W 090 27.375)