
Friday, May 13, 2016

Terrebonne Parish Cypress Landmarked

Bonnie Caro, Berris Rodrigue, and Daniel Brien beneath 220+ year cypress

Congratulations to Bonnie Caro whose majestic cypress on her property near Houma is the first cypress in Terrrebonne Parish honored with a LPCL plaque (#45) proclaiming "Alive in 1803". Here are the measurements:
Circumference above buttress : 11 feet   Diameter: 42 inches  Radius: 21 inches
Boring sample 5.25 inches
Rings counted: Approx 65
Projected age: 220+ years
GPS coordinates: N29 40.175  W090 44.093

Although relatively small in circumference compared to other landmarked LPCL cypress, this tree likely originated in the type of environment that promoted slow growth for many years-- growth rings are closely spaced. The tree is located on Bonnie Caro's family homestead, originally settled by her Great grandfather. This beautiful cypress and several of similar size and full canopy on her property make it a favorite location in the Houma area for wedding photographs.

Until we find an older tree in Terrebonne Parish, this is the oldest live cypress we are aware of in Terrebonne. There are likely to be larger/older Terrebonne Parish cypress near Gibson-- we'll keep you posted. We're particularly gratified to find a healthy LPCL cypress this far south. It's no secret that saltwater intrusion, hydrologic modification and similar influences have substantially reduced the healthy cypress habitat in coastal Louisiana.  So, in addition to finding and registering the oldest cypress in each Louisiana Parish, we'd love to find  and landmark the the oldest and  southernmost cypress in the State.

Please e-mail any leads to Harvey Stern, coordinator, Louisiana Purchase Cypress Legacy